On the 19th September ERI SEE hosted the meeting of regional experts in the field of vocational education and training, gathered into the initiative called South Eastern Europe Vocational Education and Training Network (SEEVET-Net), initiated, coordinated and facilitated by ERI SEE. The SEEVET Network has been regularly meeting since 2011 with the purpose of peer learning and capacity building of regional VET experts.
The purpose of the meeting held was to further build on the dialogue and knowledge exchanges so far, and move into the direction of shaping a future, more structured cooperation. The topics of common interested, that were jointly decided by the SEEVET Net members, and that are going to be more extensively elaborated on during the next meeting (to be held in December 2016), are raising awareness of work-based learning among stakeholders and creating joint regional occupational standards.
Gallery: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9o2axh4izzgsvhi/AADsWIv9yn8CvMV8ccFFcsoOa?dl=0